A New Vision for Education

Higher education has been struggling to address some chronic issues for a while now, but it just can’t seem to find effective solutions. Here are the statistics: 50 percent of degree-seeking college students don’t make it to graduation or transfer, and 50 percent of those that do, end up getting jobs outside their degrees.* OnContinue reading “A New Vision for Education”

Helping Each Other Fly

Whereas all other animal species on Earth evolve naturally toward the mature and fully self-actualized ideals of their distinct genotypes, the fulfillment of human potential requires a mediating system of inventions and conventions known as culture. Without culture humans are incapable of realizing the full potential of what lies within us. And yet, it isContinue reading “Helping Each Other Fly”

Three Mandates of Education

A majority of college students surveyed say they are going to college to “get a job.” Now, we have to be careful here, since surveys only report back on what survey designers believe is relevant information. Do these surveys of college students ask them about their personal development, unique aspirations, and where college fits intoContinue reading “Three Mandates of Education”

Whole-Brain Education

The education system today directs almost all of its attention and resources to the brain’s left hemisphere. More specifically to the areas in the left hemisphere that contribute to logical and analytical problem solving – competencies at the forefront of science, technology, engineering and math (the STEM disciplines). It’s these functions that will continue toContinue reading “Whole-Brain Education”

The Design Failure in Education Today

When students do poorly in school and end up failing out, educators reflexively pin the problem on the students themselves. Most students don’t really care. Many of them don’t have the discipline it takes to succeed. Some are probably just not smart enough. Problems with motivation, self-discipline, and intelligence are the three most common diagnosesContinue reading “The Design Failure in Education Today”

Quality Teaching

It’s not a surprise to anyone that our education system is in trouble. Many of us have been its victims, and there’s a fresh generation of youngsters in the process of getting their curiosity, imagination, and natural talents sterilized in school right now. Increasingly schools have been saddled with the responsibility of child rearing, interveningContinue reading “Quality Teaching”

How Schools Make The Problem Worse

In the field of higher education where I work as a manager of instructional support, a priority has been placed on “critical thinking” as the skill-set graduates most need in order to be productive at work. Consequently, it is the one thing that instructors are expected to teach and test for in their students. JustContinue reading “How Schools Make The Problem Worse”

Education, Refocused

Let’s assume that when students say they are in college “to get a job,” they really are answering honestly – and hopefully. But let’s also leave open the possibility that what students are really hoping for is life direction, an opportunity to discover and develop the creative potential they possess and live it out inContinue reading “Education, Refocused”

The Relevancy Gap in Education

In other posts I have bemoaned the trend in education today where its primary value is judged by whether it prepares a student adequately for gainful employment after graduation. Instead of opening minds, constructing meaning, and creating worlds, education has gotten reduced to little more than job training. As this happens, students stop caring andContinue reading “The Relevancy Gap in Education”

Terminal Education and the Death of Culture

Youth is being wasted on education. More and more young people are becoming victims of what can be called ‘terminal education’, which is not about lifelong learning and opening minds to the world – not anymore. Increasingly the education process is a conveyor-belt affair, where naive and optimistic youth are moved through a series of stationsContinue reading “Terminal Education and the Death of Culture”